If you are interested in learning how to create event-driven promotions for the "Member Interactions" event type, please click here.
Recognition tab (continued from Event-Driven Promotions)
You are now on the dedicated page that walks you through creating an event-driven promotion specifically for the "Reward Issued" event type. By this stage, you should have completed the preceding steps outlined on the Event-Driven Promotion page and chosen "Reward Issued" as the event type for the promotion you're building. Please refer to the following screenshot for visual guidance.

Click here to refer to the preceding steps in this process.
1. In the recognition tab, choose the appropriate rewards from the provided list and the selected choices will appear in the box on the right. Utilize the search bar to find specific rewards.
* To remove a reward from the selected list, click on the "X" icon associated with each added reward in the box to the right.

Please click here to go to the page that explains the next steps in creating an Event-Driven Promotion.