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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What browsers and resolutions does Kognitiv Loyalty support?

Kognitiv Loyalty supports the most recent, stable versions of Microsoft Edge, Apple Safari, Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome web browsers.  Currently, pages are optimized for a minimum resolution of 1280x1024.

Throughout the application, functions request a start/end date range without a time. How does the system know which time to use or what time zone to acknowledge?

In these instances, the application will observe the dates as a source date range.

I received an error code after attempting to execute a web service. What does it mean?

Check our database of Web Service Return Codes.

I am attempting to delete or combine member accounts. I can see the link, but nothing happens when I click it. What's wrong?

Having the ability to delete or combine an account is dependent on two permissions:

  • User-level: Accessible by editing the applicable user within the [System / User] page.
  • System-level: Accessible by editing the settings within the [System / Settings / Usage Settings] page.

It is likely that one or both of the above permissions are not enabled. Please contact your system administrator.

How can a transaction be deleted from a member's account?

Transactions cannot be deleted from Kognitiv Loyalty database, they can only be canceled.  
Transactions can be canceled in batch by importing the Transaction Cancel File
Users can also transactions one-by-one through these steps:
  1. Retrieve the member account on the [Member-Services / Clienteling Services] page 
  2. Access the "Activity" subpage
  3. Locate and click "Edit" for the applicable transaction
  4. Check the "Cancel" checkbox
  5. Save the transaction

I have a member who I no longer want to earn points, should I delete them?

Ideally, no. When deleted, most of the history associated with that member is permanently lost. This can adversely affect statistics and auditing.

The recommended solution is to set the account to suspended. Find this on the "General Settings" subpage on the [Member-Services / Clienteling Services] page.

I just executed an export, but nothing happened. What can I do now?

Likely, your web browser blocked the pop-up that occurs after the export execution. To stop this in the future, configure your pop-up blocker to allow pop-ups from the application. To get the export you just executed, navigate to the "My App" menu in the upper-right and open the "My Exports" page. All recently executed and stored exports are located here. Click the appropriate "Download" link to download the export data.

I have a suggestion for or feedback on an article. Who should I contact?

Have an idea for an article? Do you want us to explore a topic in-depth? Found any inconsistencies or errors? Send an email to [email protected].

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Please note: All external Kognitiv Loyalty links and references are directed to US datacenter unless specifically noted.

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