System Location: Web / Social / Facebook Application / Facebook App Settings
The settings on this page affect the display and functionality of the Facebook Application.
Table of Contents
General Settings
- Facebook Image - The image that will display in the logo portion of the application. The image must first be uploaded to the Facebook Image Library.
- Facebook App Interaction - If enabled, loyalty members that use the application will receive an interaction.
- Facebook App Timezone - The timezone that the application will use when displaying any time-related information.
- Business Unit - The business unit that the application should be associated with.
- Location - The location that the application should be associated with.
Menu Items
If enabled, the menu item(s) will be displayed.
- My Messages - Eligible message(s) as configured by web message promotion(s).
- My Points Summary - Basic member point balances.
- My Account - Basic member information including primary account number, name, address, primary phone number, Email addresses, and birthday.
- Polls - Applicable poll(s).
- Survey - Applicable survey(s).
- Trivia - Applicable trivia(s).
- Promotions - Applicable web-related promotions, such as the product code and key code promotions.
- Permissions - Enables permissions (controlled by the loyalty member App user) that allow Kognitiv Loyalty to post event admissions and/or location admissions to the Facebook user's wall. This is dependent on the facebook profile being setup within the loyalty member account.
- My Rewards - Allows members to view their reward history.
- Coupon Offers - Allows members to access coupons offered at the portal via the device coupon promotion.
- Activity - Allows members to view their transactional activity history.
- Reservations - Allows members to view their reservation history.
- Preferences - Allows members to view and change "public" member custom field data.
- Reward Store - Allows members to redeem points for choice rewards.
- Deal of the Day - Allows members to participate in the active deal of the day promotion.
Detail Settings
- Default Menu After Login - The menu that is displayed after login.
- Force Password Change if Temporary Password - If enabled, members who have been assigned temporary passwords will be prompted to reset their password.
- Poll Set - The poll set that will be displayed, if poll menu items are enabled for display.
- Survey Set - The survey set that will be displayed, if survey menu items are enabled for display.
- Trivia Set - The trivia set that will be displayed, if trivia menu items are enabled for display.
- Point Values to Display - The point totals to display, if the "My Points Summary" menu item is enabled for display.
- Allow to See Transaction Details - If enabled, detail links will be provided for transactions listed on the Activity menu.
- Allow to See Reward Details - If enabled, detail links will be provided for rewards listed on the My Rewards menu.
- Allow to Edit Member Contact Info - If enabled, members can change their contact information.
- Enable Issue of Rewards - If enabled, members can redeem rewards via the reward store.
- Email Reset Style - The information requested from the member in the event that they need to use "Password Help" and do not have an Email on file.
See Also