System Location: Promotions / Internet Promotions / Deal of the Day Promotion
*Deprecated the ability to create this promotion type, but you may still edit existing promotions
The Deal of the Day Promotion is a type of daily reward promotion that is only accessible via the customer portal and facebook application. In this promotion, members use their available points in order to receive the deal of the day.
Deal of the Day Promotion Setup
Activating the Promotion
If this is the first time using this promotion, or it was previously archived, it must be re-activated. To activate, click the "Edit" link on the main page, then check the "Active" check box on the following page. Afterwards, define the eligibility requirements using the "Eligible Members" tree on the page. When complete, click the "Save" button. If there are any present offers, they will be eligible for display.
Defining the Daily Deals
To define the daily deals, click the "Edit Deals" link in the main grid. Once on the calendar view, any present or future details can be managed.
When clicking on a present, or future deal, you can manage the name and the description of the deal, as well as the following settings:
- Retail Value - The retail monetary value of the offer.
- Point Amount - The point amount that will be deducted from each of the participants' accounts.
- Your Cost - The "internal" monetary cost of the offer.
- Daily Limit - The daily limit on the amount of participants.
- Barcode Settings - The type of barcode that will be printed on the physical offer.
- Print Templates - The appropriate print template that will govern the format of the offer, depending on where it is printed.
- Email Templates - The appropriate email template that will govern the format of the Email, if the offer is emailed. There is also a check box defining the attachment status.
- Reward Images - The thumbnail and detail images, uploaded using the Reward Image Library.
Click the "Save" button to store changes.
Configuring the Master Reward
The promotion leverages an internal reward named "Deal of the Day". There are a few basic configuration options can be managed within the internal reward detail page.
Displaying the Promotion
To display the promotion within the member portal, a "Deal of the Day" portal module type must be added to the member portal. In order to display the promotion within the Facebook application, the "Deal of the Day" option must be checked within the Facebook App Settings page.
Archiving the Promotion
To archive, click the "Edit" link on the main page, then uncheck the "Active" check box on the following page. When complete, click the "Save" button. It may also be a good practice to remove display of the promotion from the member portal and/or facebook application.
Viewing Daily Deal Statistics
Statistics for daily deals can be viewed by accessing the daily deal calendar, which can be done by clicking the "Edit Deals" link from the main grid. Clicking a past deal will display this deal's statistics.