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POS Portal Settings

System LocationWeb / POS Portal / POS Portal Settings

  • Loyalty Program - The program associated with the POS Portal.  This is only relevant for databases with more than one program (uncommon).
  • Minimum Age - The minimum age allowed for a member enrollment.
  • Enroll Into the Club - Enrolled members will automatically be assigned to the selected club.
  • Transaction Type for Purchase Transactions associated with the POS portal session will be issued under this transaction type.
  • Hide Point Details - If enabled, no point-related details will be displayed for member accounts.


  • Require Phone Number - If checked, phone numbers are required for new enrollments, prospect->member conversions, and saves on the "Edit Account" page.
  • Require Email Address - If checked, Email addresses are required for new enrollments, prospect->member conversions, and saves on the "Edit Account" page.
  • Require Postal Address - If checked, Email addresses are required for prospect->member conversions, and saves on the "Edit Account" page.
  • Require Zip Code - If checked, zip codes are required for new enrollments, prospect->member conversions, and saves on the "Edit Account" page.


  • Show System Id Types - If checked, System Id Types (such as phone number Ids) will be displayed on relevant pages, such as the "Lost Card" page.
  • Allow 'Initial Setting' of Employee Flag - If checked, the employee flag checkbox will be displayed on enrollment.
  • Allow 'Editing' of Employee Flag - If checked, the employee flag checkbox will be displayed on the "Edit Account" page.


  • Perform Admission Swipe - If checked, performs admission-related processing upon the member initiating a POS portal session. There are two types of admissions to be considered: event (an admission that occurs within a specific time frame) or location (an admission that occurs at a specific location).
  • Issue Interaction of Type - If checked, an interaction of the specified type will be issued upon the member initiating a POS portal session.


  • Enable 'Do NotOptions - Options that are checked will display on the "Edit Account" page.


  • Allow Override of 'Id Validation' - If checked, will display a checkbox that will allow a cashier to override Id validation issues whenever adding an account Id to a member.


  • Demographic Type Options - The selected demographics item types will be used when entering data with the POS portal for members.
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