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System-Wide Statistics

System LocationAnalytics / System-Wide Statistics

The System-Wide Statistics pages allow for on-screen presentation of system-wide loyalty related statistics.  Each page contained within the statistics menu is named after the item in which the statistics are related to.  Functionality is nearly identical between the various pages that are offered.

In addition to the on-screen presentation of statistics, almost all of the statistic types can be compiled into a data file that can be exported via the "Page Exports" menu in the upper-right area of the respective pages.

Using System-Wide Statistics

Navigate to the appropriate system-wide statistics page within the aforementioned system location.

Generating Statistics

Select the appropriate parameters and date ranges at the the top of the statistical page.  For more information on the items, please contact Kognitiv Loyalty Support.

After selecting the parameters, click the "Execute" link beneath to generate a grid of statistics.

Accessing in Data Export Form

    Main Article: Data Export

To compile a data file of statistics rather than view them on-screen, hover over the "Page Exports"



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