System Location: System / Settings / Case Email Settings
Case Email Settings within the System menu affect the Email functionality related to Cases. Kognitiv Loyalty Supports SSL and TLS security protocols.
The following configuration is required to send Emails from Kognitiv Loyalty to communicate to a member.
- Send 'Case' Emails via SMTP Server - The SMTP mail server that will be used to deliver case-related replies.
- SMTP Port Number - Enter the port number for the SMTP server. Commonly used ports include 25, 465, 587.
- SMTP Authentication Type - Enter the authentication type used. If unsure, use "Auto".
- SMTP Server User - The username that will be used to access the SMTP server. Kognitiv Loyalty requires that the SMTP server require login authorization.
- SMTP Server Password - Enter, and confirm the password that will be used for the username entered above.
- 'Case' Email From Email Address - The Email address that will be placed in the "From" address for the sender.
- 'Case' Email From Email Name - The Email name that will be placed in the "From" name for the sender.
If replies from members should be consumed by the case engine, the aforementioned mailbox needs to support POP3 and should be configured below. Alternately, an additional inbox can be specified to consume inbound Emails from an external source.
- Inbound 'Case' Fetch POP3 Server - If applicable, the POP3 server that will be receiving loyalty-related feedback. Kognitiv Loyalty will check this Email inbox every 2 minutes for new feedback-related Emails.
- Inbound 'Case' Fetch User - The username that will be used to access the POP3 server.
- Inbound 'Case' Fetch Password - Enter, and confirm the password that will be used for the username entered above.
- Case Queue Id - The case queue that new cases retrieved from this instance will be assigned to.