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Retro Claim Settings

System LocationSystem / Retro Claim / Retro Claim Settings

Retro Claim Settings impact the Retro Claim functionality within the platform.

  • Expire retro transactions after X days - When the related Queue Schedule job runs, retro transactions older than X days will be removed.
  • Limit number of member-submitted retro claims to X per Y days - If enabled, claims submitted via member portal or web service are subject to this "per member" limit.
  • Reprocess outstanding claims everyday for X days - If enabled, when the related Queue Schedule job runs, relevant claims in an outstanding status are reprocessed.

Messaging settings are also available to alert the member of the retro claim progress.  

In the event that a member submits via the member portal, a message can be sent upon this submission and/or a success, general failure or in an instance where it is already claimed.  If submitted from Clienteling Services, a message can only be sent upon submission and a successful match.  However, appropriate template configuration is also necessary for proper functionality.

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