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Recurring Gift Card Promotion

System LocationPromotions / Batch Promotions / Recurring Gift Card Promotion

recurring gift card promotion is a reusable promotion that is used to issue gift card reward(s) to eligible members every time they reach a lifetime point earned amount interval.  The promotion a must be manually executed for the rewards to be issued, although it can be configured to auto-execute on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis.

Note: This promotion will not re-issue rewards in the event of reward cancels.

Creating a Gift Card Reward

    Main Article: Gift Card Reward

The existence of a relevant gift card reward is necessary for issuance via this promotion.

Managing a Recurring Gift Card Promotion

A new promotion is created by clicking the "Add" link at the top of the page.  Alternately, an existing promotion can be modified by clicking the "Edit" link within the grid for the associated promotion.  Modifying existing promotions does not affect rewards that have already been issued.  The first two parameters, name and description, are used for internal reference.

  • Gift Card Reward Type - The type of gift card reward that will be issued.
  • Issue Exact Amount Only - If checked, the promotion will issue a reward only if an available denomination of the reward exists.  If unchecked, the promotion will use multiple denominations to arrive at the pre-configured monetary total on a per-member basis.
  • Point Processing - If checked, the promotion will deduct available points from the members who receive the rewards.
  • For Every Net Lifetime Points Earned Interval - Members will receive a gift card for each interval amount of net points earned (earned - deducted).
  • Gift Card Amount Per Interval - The monetary amount of each gift card that an eligible member will receive at each configured points earned interval.  Alternately, if gift codes are imported with a $0 denomination, this will act as the smallest monetary multiplier in which a gift card will be issued for.
  • Gift Card Amount Limit - The interval, if applicable, that relates to the maximum gift card amount that will be issued.
  • Auto Execute - To have this promotion execute automatically select the appropriate frequency. 
  • Business Unit & Location - The originating business unit and location that the promotion will default to.
  • Eligible Members - The eligible member tree is used to specify who will receive the bonus upon execution.  A member only needs to be a part of one of the selected segment(s) and/or club(s) to be eligible.

After saving, the promotion will be available for execution.  Only after execution will the bonus transactions be issued.

Executing a Recurring Gift Card Promotion

From the main grid, click "Executions" to reach the execution page.  When on the execution view page, click the "Execute" link in the upper-left of the page to reach the final execution page.

On the final execution page, select the originating business unit and location for all rewards issued by the promotion.  When complete, click the "Save" button.  The process will be scheduled and rewards will begin issuing.

Viewing Recurring Gift Card Promotion Statistics

Past instances of promotion executions can be viewed by clicking the "Executions" link for the associated promotion.


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