Intended Application
To insert new members.
- Header record is expected. The first record will be skipped.
- If custom field data is for a "list" type custom field, a semi-colon must be used to separate the items.
- If an invalid parameter for a "dropdown" custom field is imported, any existing value for this field will be removed.
- For checkbox value types; 1, Y, YES = True (Checked) || 0, NO, N = FALSE (Unchecked).
- Any delimiter, except for a semi-colon and [tab], can be used to separate columns. The delimiter used is then specified at the time of file import.
- In the event a provided birthdate can't be properly interpreted (bad data), the file import will suspend itself.
Processing Logic
- If the Account Id does not exist in the system, a new member will be created.
- If no Account Id is contained within the record, a new member without an Account Id will be created.
- A complete address (address line 1, city, state, zip, and country) is required for address to be saved with this file.
File Structure
Account Id |
Alphanumeric |
No |
Name Prefix | Alphanumeric |
No |
First Name | Alphanumeric |
Yes |
Middle Name | Alphanumeric | No | ||
Last Name | Alphanumeric | Yes | ||
Name Suffix | Alphanumeric | No | ||
Birthdate | Date/Time | No | YYYY-MM-DD | |
Gender | Alphanumeric | No | Allowed Values (Blank, M, F, Male, Female). | |
Address Line 1 | Alphanumeric | No | ||
Address Line 2 | Alphanumeric | No | ||
City | Alphanumeric | No | ||
Region/State/Province | Alphanumeric | No | 2-letter abbreviation or region name (dependent on region type for country) | |
Postal/Zip Code | Alphanumeric | No | ||
Country | Alphanumeric | No | 2-letter abbreviation | |
Phone | Formatted Numeric | No | See Article | |
Mobile Phone | Formatted Numeric | No | See Article | |
Email Address | Alphanumeric | No | [email protected] | |
Preferred Contact Method - Offers | Numeric | No | 1 = Email, 2 = Text | If no value default to 1 (Email) |
Preferred Contact Method - NonOffers | Numeric | No | 1 = Email, 2 = Text | If no value default to 1 (Email) |
Customer Web Portal Password | Alphanumeric | No | Maximum of 20 characters. | |
Kiosk PIN | Numeric | No | Maximum of 6 characters. | |
Enroll Date/Time | Date/Time | Yes | MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS | |
Location External Reference | Alphanumeric | Yes | The external reference of the location where the member enrolled. | |
Custom Field(s) | Varies | No | Custom Field External Reference(s) is needed in header in proper position. |
Sample File
1: 2: |