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My Exports

System Location: My App / My Exports

The My Exports page retains three types of exports in the top-most grid:

  • Exports executed by the user within the last 72 hours.
  • Exports previously selected for the storage locker by the user.
  • Exports the user has requested be automatically generated by Kognitiv Loyalty.

Exports can once again be downloaded using the "Download" link, with other details accessible through the "Edit" link.  Also available via the "Edit" link, is the ability to store the particular export data indefinitely in the "storage locker" and the ability to delete the export permanently.

In the bottom grid, are previously defined export templates that have been configured to run daily on an automated basis.  Within the "Edit" link, these scheduled exports can be reviewed or deleted.

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Please note: All external Kognitiv Loyalty links and references are directed to US datacenter unless specifically noted.

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