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How To - Manually Issue a Transaction

System LocationMember-Services / Clienteling Services / Manual Transaction (link)

manual transaction allows the addition of a transaction to a member account.  While similar to a point adjustment, it allows the addition of points by way of associating it to a specific transaction type.

Note: Transaction types with multiple product baskets are not fully supported.  There is currently no support for "direct points entry" with these transaction types.

Issuing a Manual Transaction

  1. Retrieve the account within the aforementioned system location.
  2. Click the "Manual Transaction" link in the bottom-left.
  3. Specify the appropriate parameters:
    • Business Unit/Location - The originating location for the transaction.
    • Transaction Type - The transaction type that the information should be associated to.
    • Activity Date for Transaction - The activity timestamp for the transaction.
    • Transaction Note - Text details related to the adjustment (e.g. it's purpose).
    • External Reference - (Optional) The external reference for the transaction.
    • Transaction Value - (If required) The associated retail value, which may be used in the calculation of points.
    • Transaction Custom Fields - Optional, additional data points setup via custom field functionality.
  4. Other parameters may be required, depending on the type of transaction selected.  Populate those details.  If additional help is needed, please contact Kognitiv Loyalty Support.
  5. Click "Save Manual Transaction" to commit the transaction.
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