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Facebook Account Preparation

Preparation of the applicable Facebook account must be completed before proceeding with Kognitiv Loyalty setup for the Facebook Application.

Access the Facebook Developer App

    External Link: Facebook Developer App

When accessed, the Facebook Developer App (or application) allows your Facebook profile to setup a new app.  You may have to "register" as a developer or perform an initial task before proceeding with app creation.

Setup New App (Facebook Developer)

Upon setting up a new app, you will need to consult with Facebook for assistance on most settings.  However, the following settings must match the information provided in order for proper integration.


Add a new App ID:

  • Contact Email: A valid contact Email for app administrator.  This is required to make the app accessible to all (Enable for Public).
  • Namespace (optional): A "short name" for the app identifier.

Add a new "Facebook Web Games" platform in Settings/Basic:

  • Page URL: https://XXXXX.kognitivloyalty.com/facebook/
  • Canvas Fixed Width: Yes
  • Canvas Fixed Height: No

Add a new "Website" platform in Settings/Basic:

  • Site URL: https://XXXXX.kognitivloyalty.com/facebook

The "XXXXX" portion of the domain will vary depending on the datacenter in use.

Note: Only options integral to proper operation are listed above.  Options like "Display Name" and "Category" are at the discretion of the user.  Any Yes/No, Enabled/Disabled options not listed should remain as default.

Once completed, make the application public.

Gathering Information for Kognitiv Loyalty

After saving changes, a detail page will be displayed.  Please take a screenshot, or record all of the application parameters to send to Kognitiv Loyalty Support.


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Please note: All external Kognitiv Loyalty links and references are directed to US datacenter unless specifically noted.

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