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Customer Web Portal Module Management

System LocationWeb / Member Portal / Portal Layout

Managing the placement and configuration of portal modules begins in the aforementioned Portal Layout page.  Once the menu items for the customer web portal are created and configured, the next step is to create the web portal modules.

Entering the Portal Module Management Page

Click on the appropriate menu item within the tree, then click "Manage Page Modules For Item" in the right area of the page.

Creating a Portal Module

Select the appropriate portal module type within the "Portal Modules" dropdown, name the module appropriately, then click "Add Module".  This will add the module to the content pane.

Once the module is within the content pane, click to highlight, and use the green arrows to move the module up/down or left/right.

Changing an Existing Portal Module Name

Select the appropriate module, then click the pane's associated edit icon (pencil).  This will open the module edit page.

Deleting an Existing Portal Module

Select the appropriate module, then click the pane's associated delete icon (minus sign).  This will begin the deletion process.

Populating Portal Module Content

    Main Article: Customer Web Portal Module Type

Please see the main article to determine if and how the portal module requires additional setup.

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