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System LocationAdmin / Item Types / Countries

The Countries page represents the item type for the 'Country' field, which is referenced in physical address data.  Databases come pre-configured with a standardized list, but this list can be modified.  It is highly recommended that this list is fully configured at the inception of the program.

Countries can also be configured to only allow fixed regions (prevents free-text entries).  By default, only the United States and Canada have fixed regions.

Managing Countries

To manage an existing country, click the "Edit" link within the grid next to the associated country.  Unused countries can also be deleted from the edit page.  Furthermore, to add a country, click the "Add Country" link at the top of the page.  

The country name acts as the formal name, while the two-letter abbreviation will be used where necessary and can be referenced in file importing, as well as related web services.  Archiving an unused country selection will prevent it from being displayed and used.

Has Fixed Regions

As previously stated, enabling this functionality allows the declaration of predefined regions within the Regions page.  This promotes cleaner data entry for countries outside of the United States and Canada.


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