var _u = undefined; var JS_VERSION = '20180226091038'; function a0(){return theMgr.hideAllPopups.apply(theMgr,arguments);}function b0(){return cancel.apply(this,arguments);}function c0(){return handleFilterSaveAsKeydown.apply(this,arguments);}function d0(){return handleFilterSaveAsClick.apply(this,arguments);}function e0(){return repairFocus.apply(this,arguments);}function f0(){return doPopupClick.apply(this,arguments);}function g0(){return handleFilterChangeKeydown.apply(this,arguments);}function h0(){return handleFilterChangeClick.apply(this,arguments);}function i0(){return toggleFilterRefine.apply(this,arguments);}function j0(){return giveTextBoxFocus.apply(this,arguments);}function k0(){return GridControl.toggleColumn.apply(GridControl,arguments);}function l0(){return isKey.apply(this,arguments);}function m0(){return flipCheckbox.apply(this,arguments);}function n0(){return KeyManager.browseGridRows.apply(KeyManager,arguments);}function o0(){return SelectionManager.gridGrouperClick.apply(SelectionManager,arguments);}function p0(){return SelectionManager.doSelectGroup.apply(SelectionManager,arguments);}function q0(){return mousedownColHeader.apply(this,arguments);}function r0(){return mousemoveColHeader.apply(this,arguments);}function s0(){return dblclickColHeader.apply(this,arguments);}function u0(){return mousedownGridRow.apply(this,arguments);}function v0(){return mouseoverGridRow.apply(this,arguments);}function w0(){return mouseoutGridRow.apply(this,arguments);}function x0(){return mouseupGridRow.apply(this,arguments);}function y0(){return dblclickGridRow.apply(this,arguments);}function z0(){return SelectionManager.lastClickFromCheckbox.apply(SelectionManager,arguments);}function a1(){return keydownGridCheckbox.apply(this,arguments);}function b1(){return mouseoverCaseId.apply(this,arguments);}function c1(){return mouseoutCaseId.apply(this,arguments);}function g1(){return FavoritesIcons.register.apply(FavoritesIcons,arguments);}function h1(){return FavoritesIcons.toggle.apply(FavoritesIcons,arguments);}function i1(){return SelectionManager.blockClick.apply(SelectionManager,arguments);}function j1(){return GridControl.enableColLinks.apply(GridControl,arguments);} FB_1_CLOSED_SUBCASE = "[1 closed subcase]"; FB_ACCEPT = "Accept"; FB_ACTION = "Action"; FB_ACTION_ALL_CHILDREN = "Also perform this action on subcases"; FB_ACTION_ASSIGNED = "Assigned"; FB_ACTION_BY = "%1 by %2"; FB_ACTION_CLOSED = "Closed"; FB_ACTION_CLOSED_TIME = "Closed Time"; FB_ACTION_EDITED = "Edited"; FB_ACTION_EMAILED = "Emailed"; FB_ACTION_FORWARDED = "Forwarded"; FB_ACTION_OPENED = "Opened"; FB_ACTION_OPENED_TIME = "Opened Time"; FB_ACTION_REACTIVATED = "Reactivated"; FB_ACTION_REOPENED = "Reopened"; FB_ACTION_REPLIED = "Replied"; FB_ACTION_RESOLVED_ALL = "Resolved|Gelöst|Resuelto|Resolvido|Résolu"; FB_ACTION_RESOLVED = "Resolved"; FB_ACTION_RESOLVED_TIME = "Resolved Time"; FB_ACTIVE = "Active"; FB_ADD = "Add"; FB_ADD_CASE = "Add Case"; FB_ADD_FIELDS = "Add Fields"; FB_ADD_HEADING_COLUMN = "Additional Heading Column"; FB_ADD_HEADING_ROW = "Additional Heading Row"; FB_ADD_INTERVAL = "Add Interval"; FB_ADD_RELEASE_NOTES = "Add Release Note"; FB_ADD_REMOVE_COLUMN = "Add / Remove Columns"; FB_ADD_SUBCASE = "Add Subcase"; FB_ADD_SUBCASE_INSTRUCTIONS = "Enter a new subcase title. You can also enter an existing case ID or search by typing words from existing titles."; FB_ADD_TAG = "Add Tag"; FB_ADDING_COLUMN = "Adding column…"; FB_ADMIN = "Site Admin"; FB_ADVANCED = "Advanced"; FB_AFTERHOURS = "Outside working hours"; FB_ALIGN_LEFT = "Align Left"; FB_ALIGN_RIGHT = "Align Right"; FB_ALL = "All"; FB_ALL_ACTIVE_STATUSES = "Active - Any Active Status"; FB_ALL_AREAS = "All areas"; FB_ALL_PRIORITIES = "All Priorities"; FB_ALL_PROJECTS = "All projects"; FB_ALL_RESOLUTIONS = "Resolved - Any Resolved Status"; FB_ALSO_SENT = "Also sent"; FB_ALWAYS_SHOW_FIELD = "Always show \"%1\""; FB_ALWAYS_SHOWN_REQUIRED = "\"%1\" is shown because it always has a value"; FB_AND_TWO = "%1 and %2"; FB_ANY_TIME = "Any time"; FB_ANYBODY_NEW = "Anybody can create a normal account"; FB_ANYBODY_NEW_COMMUNITY = "Anybody can create a community account"; FB_AREA = "Area"; FB_ASSIGN = "Assign"; FB_ASSIGNED_TO = "Assigned To"; FB_ASSIGNED_TO_PERSON = "Assigned to %1"; FB_ATTACH_FILE = "Attach a file"; FB_ATTACHMENT = "Attachment"; FB_ATTACHMENT_WARNING = "Do not open attachments unless you trust the sender and were expecting them."; FB_AUTO_RESOLVE = "FogBugz will automatically resolve the conflict."; FB_BAD_RESPONSE = "An error has occurred.  Please try again.  If you continue to have trouble, contact your FogBugz administrator."; FB_BCC = "Bcc"; FB_BLOCKQUOTE = "Blockquote"; FB_BOLD = "Bold"; FB_BOTH = "Both"; FB_BUG_NO_EXIST_OR_CLOSED = "Case does not exist, or has been closed"; FB_BULK_REPLY_PREVIEW_OUTGOING_EMAIL = "Preview Outgoing Email"; FB_BULK_REPLY_TO_ALL = "Bulk reply to all correspondents"; FB_BULLET_LIST = "Bullet List"; FB_BURN_DOWN_DESCRIPTION = "The Burn Down Chart shows how the total remaining work for a milestone and the previous milestones in its project has changed over time."; FB_BURN_DOWN_THIS_DESCRIPTION = "The Burn Down Chart (this milestone only) shows how the remaining work within a milestone has changed over time."; FB_CALENDAR_FUTURE_DATE = "The due date must be in the future. It has been reset to today."; FB_CALENDAR_TODAY = "Today"; FB_CANCEL = "Cancel"; FB_CANCELLING = "Cancelling..."; FB_CANNOT_ADD_CASE = "Cannot add case"; FB_CANNOT_PARSE_NUMBER = "Cannot parse number."; FB_CANNOT_SAVE_SEARCH = "Search results cannot be saved"; FB_CANNOT_SAVE_WITH_CONFLICTS = "This article has unresolved conflicts. Please resolve them and then save."; FB_CAPTURE_SCREENSHOTS = "[Capture Screenshots]"; FB_CASE = "Case"; FB_CASE_CLOSER = "Case Closer"; FB_CASE_HAS_NO_ESTIMATE_SHORT = "Case %1 has no estimate"; FB_CASE_OPENER = "Case Opener"; FB_CASE_OUTLINE = "Case Outline"; FB_CASE_RESOLVER = "Case Resolver"; FB_CASES = "Cases"; FB_CATEGORY = "Category"; FB_CATEGORY_BUG = "Bug"; FB_CATEGORY_FEATURE = "Feature"; FB_CATEGORY_INQUIRY = "Inquiry"; FB_CATEGORY_SCHEDULE_ITEM = "Schedule Item"; FB_CC = "Cc"; FB_CENTER = "Center"; FB_CHANGES = "Changes"; FB_CHECK_SPELLING = "Check Spelling"; FB_CHECKINS = "Checkins"; FB_CHOOSE_A_PERSON = "Choose a Person..."; FB_CHOOSE_AN_AREA = "Choose an Area..."; FB_CHOOSE_ATTACHMENT = "Choose file"; FB_CHOOSE_PICTURE = "Choose picture"; FB_CLICK_FOR_FULL = "Click for full-sized image"; FB_CLICK_TO_SELECT = "Click to select case number"; FB_CLOSE_ALL = "Close|Schließen|Cerrar|Fechar|Fermer"; FB_CLOSE = "Close"; FB_CLOSE_OPEN_CHILDREN = "Also close subcases"; FB_CLOSED_ALL = "Closed|Geschlossen|Cerrado|Fechado|Fermé"; FB_CLOSED = "Closed"; FB_CLOSED_BY = "Closed By"; FB_CLOSED_PERSON = "CLOSED"; FB_CODE = "Code"; FB_COLUMNS_COUNT = "Columns"; FB_COLUMNS_LOADING = "Loading Columns..."; FB_COMMA_THREE = "%1, %2, and %3"; FB_COMMUNITY = "Community"; FB_COMMUNITY_PLURAL = "Community"; FB_COMMUNITY_USER = "Community user"; FB_COMMUNITY_USER_CAP = "Community User"; FB_COMPARISON_VIEW = "Comparison View"; FB_CONFIRM_SWITCH_TO_PLAIN_TEXT = "Are you sure you want to lose all formatting and switch to plain text mode?"; FB_CONFLICT_DETECTED = "Conflict Detected!"; FB_CONTINUE_LOSE_CHANGES = "Abandon your changes and continue?"; FB_CONTINUE_REPORTS = "Continue Reporting"; FB_COPY_USER_ICON_TITLE = "Copy"; FB_CORRESPONDENT = "Correspondent"; FB_CORRESPONDENT_TIP = "Someone outside of FogBugz you may want to email."; FB_COULD_NOT_LOAD = "Could not load"; FB_CREATE_NEW_CASE = "Create New Case"; FB_CSS_TIMESHEET_EDIT_EM = "4"; FB_CSS_TIMESHEET_END_TIME_EM = "7"; FB_CTRL = "Ctrl"; FB_CURRENT = "current"; FB_CURRENT_FILTER_SAVED_AS = "Filter saved as '%1'"; FB_DATA = "Data"; FB_DATE = "Date"; FB_DATE_CLOSED = "Date Closed"; FB_DATE_CODE = "dd"; FB_DATE_OPENED = "Date Opened"; FB_DATE_PAST = "Past"; FB_DATE_RESOLVED = "Date Resolved"; FB_DATE_TODAY = "Today"; FB_DATE_TOMORROW = "Tomorrow"; FB_DATE_YESTERDAY = "Yesterday"; FB_DAY = "day"; FB_DAY_AFTER_TOMORROW = "day after tomorrow"; FB_DAY_STEM = "day"; FB_DAYS = "days"; FB_DAYS_SHORT = ["Sun","Mon","Tue","Wed","Thu","Fri","Sat"]; FB_DECREASE_INDENT = "Decrease Indent"; FB_DEFAULT_ASSIGNEE = "Default Assignee"; FB_DEFAULT_REMOVE_FORMATTING = "Default (No Formatting)"; FB_DEFAULT_RESOLUTION = "Default Resolution"; FB_DEFAULT_STATUS = "Default Status"; FB_DEFAULT_URL = "default.asp"; FB_DELETE = "Delete"; FB_DELETE_FILE_CONFIRM = "Delete Attached File"; FB_DEV_DETAIL = "Per-User Timelines"; FB_DEV_DETAIL_DESCRIPTION = "The Per-User Timeline graph shows the work breakdown for each user with cases that must be completed for this milestone."; FB_DEV_SHIP_DATES_DESCRIPTION = "The Per-User Completion Dates graph shows the estimated completion date for each user with cases for this milestone."; FB_DEVELOPER_SHIP_DATES = "Per-User Completion Dates"; FB_DISCUSS = "Discuss"; FB_DONE = "Done"; FB_DRAFT_SAVED = "Draft saved at %1"; FB_DROP_TO_ATTACH = "Drop files here to add new attachments."; FB_DUE = "Due"; FB_DUE_HELP = "Does this case have a specific due date?"; FB_DUPLICATES = "Duplicates"; FB_DUPLICATES_OF = "Duplicate of"; FB_EDIT = "Edit"; FB_EDIT_ATTACHMENT = "Edit Attachment"; FB_EDIT_INTERVAL = "Edit Interval"; FB_EDIT_LINK = "Edit Link"; FB_EDIT_PERSON = "Edit %1"; FB_EDIT_RELEASE_NOTES = "Edit Release Note"; FB_EDIT_RESOLVED_PARENT_APPLY_TO_CHILDREN = "Also set subcase status(es) to match the status of this case"; FB_EDITABLE_NOT_SUPPORTED = "Editable mode is not supported in this browser"; FB_EDITS_WILL_BE_LOST = "If you leave now, your changes will be lost."; FB_ELAPSED = "elapsed"; FB_EMAIL = "Email"; FB_EMAIL_FORWARDED_MESSAGE = "-----Forwarded Message-----"; FB_EMAIL_INVALID = "Email is invalid."; FB_EMAIL_ORIGINAL_MESSAGE_ALL = "-----Original Message-----|-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----|-----Mensaje Original-----|-----Mensagem Original-----| -----Message Original----"; FB_EMAIL_ORIGINAL_MESSAGE = "-----Original Message-----"; FB_EMAIL_REQUIRED_PUBLIC = "Enter your valid email address.
Required if you want to track the status of this case."; FB_END = "End"; FB_END_OF_CONFLICT = "End of Conflict"; FB_END_TIME_BEFORE_START_TIME = "End time occurs before start time."; FB_ENTER_ESTIMATE = "Enter an Estimate"; FB_ESTIMATE = "Estimate"; FB_ESTIMATE_CURRENT = "Estimate (current)"; FB_ESTIMATE_INCLUDING_SUBCASES = "Estimate (incl. subcases)"; FB_ESTIMATE_ORIGINAL = "Estimate (original)"; FB_ESTIMATE_THIS_CASE_ONLY = "Estimate (this case)"; FB_ESTIMATING_TIPS = "Use days, hours, minutes, or weeks, for example 1 day 4 hours"; FB_EVENT_HISTORY = "Event History"; FB_EXPANDED_VIEW = "Expanded View"; FB_EXPLAIN_CATEGORY = "Is this a bug, feature request, or just a question?"; FB_EXPLAIN_CHILDREN = "List any subcases for this case."; FB_EXPLAIN_FIXFOR = "For which milestone does this case need to be resolved?"; FB_EXPLAIN_PARENT = "Is this a subcase for another parent case?"; FB_EXPLAIN_TAGS = "Enter any words to tag, or describe, this case."; FB_EXTENSION_ADDED_MSG = "(extension added for security)"; FB_FETCHING = "(Fetching)"; FB_FILTER = "Filter"; FB_FILTER_FIXFOR = "in milestone %1"; FB_FILTER_IN_AREA = "(%1 only)"; FB_FILTER_IN_PROJECT = "in %1"; FB_FILTER_SWITCHGRIDVIEW = "Switch to Grid View"; FB_FILTER_SWITCHLISTVIEW = "Switch to List View"; FB_FILTER_TAG = "tagged %1"; FB_FIREBUG_SLOW = "Firebug can make FogBugz slow. [Follow these instructions] to make FogBugz faster. ([Close])"; FB_FIRST_DAY_OF_WEEK = "0"; FB_FIX_FOR = "Milestone"; FB_FIXED_COLORS = "Fixed Colors"; FB_FOGBUGZ = "FogBugz"; FB_FOGBUGZ_USER = "FogBugz"; FB_FONT = "Font"; FB_FONT_COLOR = "Font Color"; FB_FONT_SIZE = "Font Size"; FB_FORWARD = "Forward"; FB_FORWARD_FROM = "Fwd-From"; FB_FRIDAY = "Friday"; FB_FROM = "From"; FB_FW = "Fw:"; FB_GO_NEXT_REVISION = "Go to next revision"; FB_GO_PREVIOUS_REVISION = "Go to previous revision"; FB_GO_TO_LATEST = "Go to Latest"; FB_GRAPH_DAY_FORMAT = "%w %m %d"; FB_GRAPH_FULL_FORMAT = "%d %m %f"; FB_GRAPH_LOADING_DATA = "Generating Report . . ."; FB_GRAPH_MONTH_FORMAT = "%m %f"; FB_GRAPH_NO_DATA = "No Data Available"; FB_GRAPH_YEAR_FORMAT = "%f"; FB_GROUP_BUGS_FIXFOR = "Milestone: %1"; FB_HEADING = "Heading"; FB_HIDE_CHECKINS = "Hide Checkins"; FB_HIDE_QUOTED_TEXT = "- hide quoted text -"; FB_HIDE_SIDEBAR = "Click to hide the navigation sidebar"; FB_HIGHLIGHT_COLOR = "Highlight Color"; FB_HOUR = "hour"; FB_HOUR_CODE = "hh"; FB_HOURS = "hours"; FB_HOURS_IN_SUBCASES = "%1 in subcases"; FB_HOURS_THIS_CASE_AND_SUBCASES = "This case: %1. Subcases: %2."; FB_HTML = "HTML"; FB_HTML_DESC = "Write your comments in rich text, with formatting like bold, italic, etc"; FB_ICON_COPY = "Copy"; FB_ICON_DELETE = "Delete"; FB_ICON_EDIT = "Edit"; FB_ICON_EMAIL = "Send Email"; FB_ICON_MINUS = "-"; FB_ICON_NEW = "New"; FB_ICON_PLUS = "+"; FB_IF_YOU_TYPE = "If you type"; FB_INACTIVE = "Inactive"; FB_INBOX = "Inbox"; FB_INCREASE_INDENT = "Increase Indent"; FB_INFINITE = "(infinite)"; FB_INSERT_ATTACHMENT = "Insert Attachment"; FB_INSERT_LINK = "Insert Link"; FB_INSERT_PICTURE = "Insert Picture"; FB_INSERT_SYMBOL = "Insert Symbol"; FB_INSERT_TABLE = "Insert Table"; FB_INTERVALS_CONFLICT = "The changes you have made to the timesheet create overlapping time intervals."; FB_INVALID_CASE = "Invalid case: %1"; FB_ITALIC = "Italic"; FB_ITEMS = "Items"; FB_LANGUAGE = "en-US"; FB_LAST_ACTIVITY = "Last Activity"; FB_LAST_OCCURRENCE = "Last Occurrence"; FB_LAST_SEEN_BY_ME = "Last viewed by me"; FB_LAST_TIME_I_VIEWED = "Last Time I Viewed"; FB_LAST_UPDATED = "Last Updated"; FB_LASTEDITED_BY = "Last Edited By"; FB_LINK_EXAMPLE_1 = "Case #%1 in FogBugz"; FB_LINK_EXAMPLE_2 = "Article with \"%1\" headline in this Wiki"; FB_LINK_EXAMPLE_3 = "Article with \"FAQ\" headline in Wiki named \"Internal\""; FB_LINK_EXAMPLE_4 = "FogBugz project homepage for \"%1\""; FB_LINK_EXAMPLE_5 = ""; FB_LINK_EXAMPLE_6 = "Article #123 in FogBugz"; FB_LINK_INPUT_EXAMPLE_1 = "1234"; FB_LINK_INPUT_EXAMPLE_2 = "Contact Info"; FB_LINK_INPUT_EXAMPLE_3 = "Internal:FAQ"; FB_LINK_INPUT_EXAMPLE_4 = "YourProjectName"; FB_LINK_INPUT_EXAMPLE_5 = ""; FB_LINK_INPUT_EXAMPLE_6 = "W123"; FB_LINK_TO = "Link to"; FB_LIST_ALL = "[List All]"; FB_LIST_ALL_CASES = "List all cases"; FB_LOADING = "Loading..."; FB_LOADING_BUG_DATA = "Loading latest case data…"; FB_LOADING_LIST_DATA = "Loading latest list view…"; FB_LOGIN = "Login"; FB_MENU_ADD_TO_DICTIONARY = "Add to Dictionary"; FB_MENU_COPY = "Copy"; FB_MENU_CREATE_NEW_ARTICLE = "New Article…"; FB_MENU_CUT = "Cut"; FB_MENU_DELETE_COLUMN = "Delete Column"; FB_MENU_DELETE_ROW = "Delete Row"; FB_MENU_DELETE_TABLE = "Delete Table"; FB_MENU_EDIT = "Edit"; FB_MENU_EDIT_OR_REMOVE_LINK = "Edit or Remove Link…"; FB_MENU_GETTING_SUGGESTIONS = "Getting Suggestions"; FB_MENU_IGNORE = "Ignore"; FB_MENU_INSERT = "Insert"; FB_MENU_INSERT_ATTACHMENT = "Attachment…"; FB_MENU_INSERT_COL_LEFT = "Insert Column on Left"; FB_MENU_INSERT_COL_RIGHT = "Insert Column on Right"; FB_MENU_INSERT_COLUMN = "Column"; FB_MENU_INSERT_HR = "Horizontal Rule"; FB_MENU_INSERT_LINK = "Link…"; FB_MENU_INSERT_LIST_OF_CASES = "List Of Cases…"; FB_MENU_INSERT_PICTURE = "Picture…"; FB_MENU_INSERT_RELEASE_NOTES = "Release Notes…"; FB_MENU_INSERT_ROW = "Row"; FB_MENU_INSERT_ROW_ABOVE = "Insert Row Above"; FB_MENU_INSERT_ROW_BELOW = "Insert Row Below"; FB_MENU_INSERT_SYMBOL = "Symbol…"; FB_MENU_INSERT_TABLE = "Table…"; FB_MENU_MERGE_DOWN = "Merge Down"; FB_MENU_MERGE_LEFT = "Merge Left"; FB_MENU_MERGE_RIGHT = "Merge Right"; FB_MENU_MERGE_UP = "Merge Up"; FB_MENU_PASTE = "Paste"; FB_MENU_PASTE_WITHOUT_FORMATTING = "Paste without formatting"; FB_MENU_PICTURE_PROPERTIES = "Picture Properties…"; FB_MENU_REDO = "Redo"; FB_MENU_SPLIT_HORIZ = "Split Horizontally"; FB_MENU_SPLIT_VERT = "Split Vertically"; FB_MENU_TABLE_PROPERTIES = "Table Properties…"; FB_MENU_TURN_SPELLCHECKING_OFF = "Turn Spellchecking Off"; FB_MENU_TURN_SPELLCHECKING_ON = "Turn Spellchecking On"; FB_MENU_UNCHECK_DOCUMENT = "Remove Spellchecking"; FB_MENU_UNDO = "Undo"; FB_MENU_VISIT_LINK = "Open in New Window"; FB_MERGE_FINAL_VERSION = "Final Version ([Save and use this version])"; FB_MINE_BEFORE_THEIRS = "Mine before theirs"; FB_MINUTE = "minute"; FB_MINUTE_CODE = "mm"; FB_MINUTES = "minutes"; FB_MISSING_COLOR_CHAR = "x"; FB_MISSING_LOWER = "Missing a lowercase letter"; FB_MISSING_NUMBER = "Missing a number"; FB_MISSING_SPECIAL = "Missing a special character (@,#,$,etc.)"; FB_MISSING_UPPER = "Missing an uppercase letter"; FB_MONDAY = "Monday"; FB_MONTH_CODE = "mm"; FB_MONTH_STEM = "month"; FB_MONTHS = ["January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December"]; FB_MONTHS_SHORT = ["Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec"]; FB_MORE_RESULTS = "(First %1 results shown.)"; FB_MORE_RESULTS_NARROW_SEARCH = "(First %1 results shown. Narrow your search above.)"; FB_MORE_RESULTS_NARROW_SEARCH_URL = "(First %1 results shown. Narrow your search above or [click here] to show all.)"; FB_MORE_RESULTS_URL = "(First %1 results shown. [Click here] to show all.)"; FB_MOVING = "Moving…"; FB_MUST_BE_N_CHARS_LONG = "Must be at least %1 characters long"; FB_MUST_MATCH = "Must match"; FB_MUST_NOT_START_OR_END_WITH_WHITESPACE = "Cannot begin or end with whitespace"; FB_MY = "My"; FB_N_CLOSED_SUBCASES = "[%1 closed subcases]"; FB_NAME_OF_DEFAULT_AREA = "Misc"; FB_NEW = "New"; FB_NEW_ARTICLE_ALL = "New Article|Neuer Artikel|Artículo Nuevo|Novo Artigo|Nouvel Article"; FB_NEW_ARTICLE = "New Article"; FB_NEW_BUG = "New Case"; FB_NEW_HEADLINE = "Headline:"; FB_NEW_NOTE = "Describe the case in detail."; FB_NEXT_BUG = "Next"; FB_NEXT_BUG_TIP = "Next case"; FB_NEXT_CONFLICT = "Scroll to Next Conflict"; FB_NEXT_MONTH = "in the next month"; FB_NEXT_STEM = "next"; FB_NEXT_WEEK = "in the next week"; FB_NEXT_YEAR = "in the next year"; FB_NEXT2_MONTHS = "in the next two months"; FB_NEXT2_WEEKS = "in the next two weeks"; FB_NEXT3_DAYS = "in the next three days"; FB_NEXT3_MONTHS = "in the next three months"; FB_NEXT6_MONTHS = "in the next six months"; FB_NO = "No"; FB_NO_BUGZ_FOUND = "Nothing was found that matched."; FB_NO_CHANGE = "No Change"; FB_NO_COLUMNS_WITHOUT_CASES = "No columns without cases..."; FB_NO_DATE = "No Date"; FB_NO_EMAIL = "No email"; FB_NO_ESTIMATE_ENTERED = "Case %1 does not have an estimate."; FB_NO_ESTIMATED_CASES = "No estimated cases"; FB_NO_INTERVALS_FOR_DATE = "No intervals were recorded for this date."; FB_NO_MORE_FIELDS_AVAILABLE = "No more fields available"; FB_NO_PERMISSION = "No permission"; FB_NO_PERMISSION_ON_BUG = "You do not have permission to see Case #%1."; FB_NO_RESPONSE = "No response was received.  Please try again."; FB_NO_RSS_WITHOUT_SAVE = "Save this filter to enable an RSS feed"; FB_NO_SNIPPETS_DEFINED = "You have not defined any snippets."; FB_NO_SUGGESTIONS = "No Suggestions"; FB_NONE = "None"; FB_NORMAL = "Normal"; FB_NORMAL_PLURAL = "Normal"; FB_NOT_CALCULATED = "Not yet calculated"; FB_NOT_TRUSTED_FILE_TYPE = "(not a [trusted file type])"; FB_NOW = "now"; FB_NUMBER_LIST = "Number List"; FB_NUMBER_OF_CASES = "%1 Selected Cases"; FB_NUMBER_OF_OCCURRENCES = "Occurrences"; FB_OF = "of"; FB_OK = "OK"; FB_ONE_LINE_DESC = "Enter a one-line description of the case."; FB_ONLY_ADMIN_NEW = "Only admins can create accounts"; FB_ONLY_SHOW_FIELD_WITH_VALUE = "Only show \"%1\" when it has a value"; FB_OPENED_BY = "Opened By"; FB_ORIGINAL = "original"; FB_OTHER_ELAPSED = "other"; FB_PALETTE = "Palette"; FB_PARAGRAPH_ALIGNMENT = "Switch Paragraph Direction"; FB_PARAGRAPH_BODY = "Body"; FB_PARENT_CASE = "Parent Case"; FB_PAST_DUE = "in the past"; FB_PAST_SHIP_DATES_DESCRIPTION = "The Completion Date (Over Time) graph shows how the projected completion date has changed over time."; FB_PHONE = "Phone"; FB_PICTURE_PROPERTIES = "Picture Properties"; FB_PLAIN_TEXT = "Plain text"; FB_PLAIN_TEXT_DESC = "Write your comments in plain text, with no formatting"; FB_PLEASE_ENTER_TITLE = "Please enter a title."; FB_PREVIOUS_BUG_TIP = "Previous case"; FB_PRIMARY_CONTACT = "Primary Contact"; FB_PRIORITY = "Priority"; FB_PROBABILITY = "Probability"; FB_PROJECT = "Project"; FB_PUBLIC_EMAILED = "Emailed"; FB_PUBLIC_FORWARDED = "Forwarded"; FB_PUBLIC_NOTIFICATION_HELP = "

The above text will be sent in an email to any community or anonymous user who submits a case.
{ticket} for the external customer ID
{case} for the case ID
{url} for the URL of the FogBugz install
{ticketurl} for a link to the external case (e.g. {url}/default.asp?{ticket})

"; FB_PUBLIC_NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE = "Your inquiry has been received and can be tracked at the following URL: {ticketurl}"; FB_PUBLIC_OPENED = "Opened"; FB_PUBLIC_RECEIVED = "Received"; FB_PUBLIC_REPLIED = "Replied"; FB_QUOTE = "Quote"; FB_RE = "Re:"; FB_REACTIVATE = "Reactivate"; FB_RECENT = "Recent"; FB_RECOMMENDED = "(Recommended)"; FB_REDO = "Redo"; FB_RELATIVE_PRIORITY = "Cases are usually fixed in order of priority, where 1 is highest."; FB_RELEASE_NOTES = "Release Notes"; FB_RELEASE_NOTES_CHANGED = "Release notes changed to:"; FB_RELEASE_NOTES_REMOVED = "Release notes removed."; FB_REMAIN = "remaining"; FB_REMAINING_TIME = "Remaining Time"; FB_REMOVE = "Remove"; FB_REMOVE_CASE = "Remove Case"; FB_REMOVING_COLUMN = "Removing column…"; FB_REOPEN = "Reopen"; FB_REPLY = "Reply"; FB_REPLY_INCLUDE_CASE_INFO = "Include case-specific information"; FB_REPLY_TO = "Reply-To"; FB_REPLY_TOKEN_CASE = "the case ID"; FB_REPLY_TOKEN_EMAIL = "the email associated with this mailbox"; FB_REPLY_TOKEN_FULLNAME = "the fullname associated with this mailbox"; FB_REPLY_TOKEN_SENDER = "the sender's email address"; FB_REPLY_TOKEN_SENDER_FIRSTNAME = "the sender's first name (based on the name portion of their email)"; FB_REPLY_TOKEN_SENDERNAME = "the sender's name (extracted from sender's email address)"; FB_REPLY_TOKEN_SINGLETICKET = "the external customer ID (will *not* display other cases submitted by the same correspondent)"; FB_REPLY_TOKEN_SINGLETICKETURL = "a link to the external case (will *not* display other cases submitted by the same correspondent)"; FB_REPLY_TOKEN_SUBJECT = "the subject of the message you are responding to"; FB_REPLY_TOKEN_TICKET = "the external customer ID (will display other cases submitted by the same correspondent)"; FB_REPLY_TOKEN_TICKETURL = "a link to the external case (will display other cases submitted by the same correspondent)"; FB_REPLY_TOKEN_URL = "the URL of the FogBugz install"; FB_REPLY_TOKEN_USER_FIRSTNAME = "the first name associated with the logged in user"; FB_REPLY_TOKEN_USER_LASTNAME = "the last name associated with the logged in user"; FB_REPLY_TOKEN_USEREMAIL = "the email address associated with the logged in user"; FB_REPLY_TOKEN_USERNAME = "the fullname associated with the logged in user"; FB_REPOSITORIES = "Repositories"; FB_REPOSITORY = "Repository"; FB_RESIZING = "Resizing…"; FB_RESOLVE = "Resolve"; FB_RESOLVE_ACTIVE_CHILDREN = "Also resolve subcases"; FB_RESOLVE_CLOSE = "Resolve & Close"; FB_RESOLVE_CONFLICT = "Resolve Conflict"; FB_RESOLVE_CONFLICT_TIP = "Try each version below and watch the article change. Click Accept to resolve the conflict."; FB_RESOLVE_CONFLICTS = "Resolve Conflicts"; FB_RESOLVED_BY = "Resolved By"; FB_RESTORE_OLD_REVISION = "Restore Old Revision"; FB_RESTORING_REVISION = "Restoring revision %1"; FB_RICH_TEXT = "Rich text"; FB_ROWS_COUNT = "Rows"; FB_RSS = "RSS"; FB_RSS_TITLE = "RSS Feed"; FB_SAFARI_SPELLCHECKER = "Safari users must enable Safari's spellchecker and check their document by right-clicking inside the wiki article, going to the \"Spelling and Grammar\" submenu, and choosing \"Check Document Now.\""; FB_SATURDAY = "Saturday"; FB_SAVE = "Save"; FB_SAVE_AND_VIEW = "Save and View"; FB_SAVE_CURRENT_FILTER_AS = "Save current filter as..."; FB_SAVE_CURRENT_SEARCH_AS = "Save this search as a filter…"; FB_SCOUT_INFO = "Scout Info"; FB_SCOUT_MESSAGE = "Scout Message"; FB_SCOUT_REPORTS_NOVICE = "Set to Stop Reports to ignore further reports"; FB_SCOUT_TITLE_NOVICE = "BugzScout reply sent to end-user when the same case is submitted"; FB_SCOUT_WILL = "Scout Will"; FB_SCOUT_WILL_TOOLTIP = "Do you want BugzScout to keep updating this case if it is reported again?"; FB_SEARCH_AXIS_CORRESPONDENT_ALL = "Correspondent|Submitter|Korrespondent|Briefpartner|Destinatario|Remitente|Correspondente|Remetente|Correspondant|Expéditeur"; FB_SEARCH_AXIS_CORRESPONDENT = "Correspondent|Submitter"; FB_SEARCH_USES_GRID = "Search results always show in Grid View."; FB_SEARCHING = "Searching…"; FB_SECURITY_RESUBMIT = "Your request was made from an expired FogBugz page. For security reasons, please resubmit your change."; FB_SECURITY_RESUBMIT_ALACARTE = "Your request was made from an expired FogBugz page. For security reasons, please reload this page and repeat the action."; FB_SEE_ALSO = "See also"; FB_SEEN_BY_ME = "Viewed by me"; FB_SELECT_ALL = "Select All"; FB_SELECT_COLOR = "Select Color"; FB_SEND = "Send"; FB_SEND_CLOSE = "Send & Close"; FB_SETUP_CATEGORY_SCHEDULE_ITEM = "Schedule Item"; FB_SETUP_CATEGORY_SCHEDULE_ITEMS = "Schedule Items"; FB_SHIP_DATE = "Completed By"; FB_SHIP_DATE_DESCRIPTION = "The Completion Date (Probability Distribution) graph shows the probability distribution of completion dates for a milestone."; FB_SHIP_DATE_DISTRIBUTION = "Completion Date (Probability Distribution)"; FB_SHIP_DATE_OVER_TIME = "Completion Date (Over Time)"; FB_SHOW = "Show"; FB_SHOW_CASES_FROM = "Show cases from '%1'"; FB_SHOW_QUOTED_TEXT = "- show quoted text -"; FB_SHOW_SIDEBAR = "Click to show the navigation sidebar"; FB_SHOWING = "Showing"; FB_SNIPPET_NAME_WARNING = "'%1' is not a known snippet; type '%2' again to list them all."; FB_SORTING = "Sorting…"; FB_SPAM = "Spam"; FB_SPELLCHECKER_COMPLETE = "Spellcheck complete!"; FB_SPELLCHECKER_DISABLED = "The spellchecker dictionary is still being imported and will be done shortly."; FB_SPELLCHECKER_IN_PROGRESS = "Spellchecking..."; FB_SPELLCHECKER_LOWERCASE_ALPHABET = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; FB_SPELLCHECKER_NO_DICTIONARY = "Unable to check spelling. No dictionary is configured for this Wiki."; FB_STARRED = "Starred"; FB_STARRED_TOGGLE = "Toggle star"; FB_START = "Start"; FB_START_PASTE_WOF = "Use the hotkey Ctrl+V (Paste) now to paste without formatting."; FB_STATUS = "Status"; FB_STILL_GO_TO_PAGE = "Go to page and lose unsaved changes?"; FB_STOP_REPORTS = "Stop Reports"; FB_STOP_WORK = "Stop Work"; FB_STRIKETHROUGH = "Strikethrough"; FB_STYLE = "Style"; FB_SUBCASES = "Subcases"; FB_SUBJECT = "Subject"; FB_SUBMITTING = "Submitting..."; FB_SUBSCRIBE = "[Subscribe] to receive email when this case changes."; FB_SUBSCRIBE_DISCUSSTOPIC = "[Subscribe] to receive email when someone replies to this discussion topic."; FB_SUBSCRIBE_PLURAL = "[Subscribe] to receive email when any of these cases change."; FB_SUBSCRIBE_TERSE = "[Subscribe]"; FB_SUBSCRIBE_WIKIPAGE = "[Subscribe] to receive email when this article changes."; FB_SUBSCRIPT = "Subscript"; FB_SUNDAY = "Sunday"; FB_SUPERSCRIPT = "Superscript"; FB_SURE_DELETE = "Are you sure you want to delete %1?"; FB_SWITCH_TO_GRID_FOR_COLUMNS = "No columns in list view..."; FB_TABLE_PROPERTIES = "Table Properties"; FB_TAG = "Tag"; FB_TAGS = "Tags"; FB_TEMPLATE_CONFLICT = "This template has been edited by someone else, and your changes conflict with the newest version. Please resolve all conflicts before you continue. Your changes have NOT yet been saved."; FB_THE_DAY_AFTER_TOMORROW = "the day after tomorrow"; FB_THEIRS_BEFORE_MINE = "Theirs before mine"; FB_THURSDAY = "Thursday"; FB_TIMESHEET_ELAPSED = "timesheet"; FB_TIPS = "Tips"; FB_TITLE = "Title"; FB_TITLE_COMMENT = "Title w/ Comment"; FB_TITLE_ELAPSED = "Elapsed Time"; FB_TITLE_EVENT = "Title w/ Event"; FB_TO = "To"; FB_TODAY_ALL = "today|heute|hoy|hoje|aujourd'hui"; FB_TODAY = "today"; FB_TODAY_OR_TOMORROW = "today or tomorrow"; FB_TOMORROW_ALL = "tomorrow|morgen|mañana|amanhã|demain"; FB_TOMORROW = "tomorrow"; FB_TOTAL = "Total"; FB_TUESDAY = "Tuesday"; FB_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_CASE = "Unable to create case"; FB_UNDELETE = "Undelete"; FB_UNDERLINE = "Underline"; FB_UNDO = "Undo"; FB_UNSAVED_WYS_CHANGES = "You have unsaved wiki changes, are you sure you want to leave?"; FB_UNSUBSCRIBE = "[Unsubscribe]"; FB_UPDATING = "Updating…"; FB_USE = "Use"; FB_USER = "User"; FB_USER_ACTIVE = "Active"; FB_USER_EMAIL_WARNING = "Consider assigning a case to this user rather than emailing them."; FB_USER_INACTIVE = "Inactive"; FB_USERS = "Users"; FB_USERS_ACTIVE = "Active %1 Users"; FB_USERS_ALL = "All %1 Users"; FB_USERS_COMMUNITY_VIRTUAL = "Community and Virtual"; FB_USERS_INACTIVE = "Inactive %1 Users"; FB_USERS_NORMAL_COMMUNITY = "Normal and Community"; FB_USERS_NORMAL_COMMUNITY_VIRTUAL = "Normal, Community, and Virtual"; FB_USERS_NORMAL_VIRTUAL = "Normal and Virtual"; FB_VALUE_NOT_VALID = "This value is not valid."; FB_VARIOUS = "[various]"; FB_VERSION = "Version"; FB_VIEW_CASES = "View Cases"; FB_VIRTUAL = "Virtual"; FB_VIRTUAL_PLURAL = "Virtual"; FB_VIRTUAL_USER = "Virtual user"; FB_WARNING_HEADLINE = "Warning"; FB_WE_LINK_TO = "We'll link to"; FB_WEB = "Web"; FB_WEDNESDAY = "Wednesday"; FB_WEEK_STEM = "week"; FB_WHAT_DID_YOU_CHANGE = "What did you change?"; FB_WHO_ASSIGNED_TO = "Who's going to work on this case?"; FB_WIDTH = "Width"; FB_WIKI_ALL = "Wiki|Wiki|Wiki|Wiki|Wiki"; FB_WIKI = "Wiki"; FB_WIKI_CHANGES_HAVE_BEEN_MERGED = "Changes to this article have been made by others and are merged below."; FB_WIKI_COMMENT_NOTE = "This comment is entered in the article history."; FB_WIKI_LINK_TEASER = "Advanced Linking"; FB_WIKI_LINK_TEASER_ALT = "Show Advanced Linking"; FB_WIKIPAGE_CONFLICT = "Your changes have not been saved due to a conflict with other recent changes.
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