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Reward Types

Reward Types

KLS offers Internal Rewards (aka offers) in Webhooks MVP:

Internal Rewards

An internal reward is used solely in conjunction with reward-based promotions.  The issuance method and point-related specifications are governed by the associated promotion.  Depending on their use, they may be referred to as coupons, vouchers, or other member-friendly names.

Internal and Choice Rewards & Webhooks

Internal and choice rewards can be configured to fire a webhook when they are issued or redeemed. You can view at-a-glance configuration details via the quick view for these reward types:



Reward Lifecycle (aka Status)

Status: 1 Active

When a reward is issued, its state is “Active”.

Rewards typically are presented (Issued) to members, who redeem them to receive value.

When a reward is issued, it is assigned a unique Reward ID which is associated with a Member ID. If required because of the reward configuration, points are used to “pay for” the reward from the member’s point bank, reducing the member’s available point balance.

Rewards that are active can be re-delivered, to support a corner use case where the reward has been lost or misplaced.

Status: 2 Redeemed

When a reward is marked as redeemed, the reward lifecycle is complete.

A redeemed reward can be reversed (and returned to Active status): ReverseRewardRedemption 

A redeemed reward can be canceled (any points used for the reward issuance are returned to the member): CancelMemberReward 


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