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System LocationEnterprise / Logins

Login consists of an individual's name, Email address and password. A Login is bound to one or more Users on the database-level within a datacenter to control which databases a Login can access and at what access level(s).  A Login must exist prior to the creation of a user profile. In an ideal scenario, an individual should have no more than one Login per datacenter.

It's important to understand the difference between Logins and Users. A Login is a person's access to Kognitiv Loyalty datacenter, while a User is that person's access to an individual instance. A Login can have multiple Users with access to different instances (for example, a Production and QA instance). See the diagram below and read "Understanding Enterprise Administration and User Management" for more.

Additionally, a Login can be made an Enterprise Administrator. An Enterprise Administrator can manage other Logins within the customer relationship.

Login Management

Only an Enterprise Administrator can manage Logins from the aforementioned system location. To create a new Login, click "Add Login" at the top of the page.  Alternately, to manage an existing User, click the "Edit" link within the grid for the associated Login.

After a Login is created, the related user profiles can be created on the relevant databases. Furthermore, before a Login is deleted, all user profiles bound to it must be deleted.

Identity Provider Configuration

Authentication via external identity providers for single sign-on (SSO) is configurable within the Login management page. Initial configuration of the external provider must be performed by Kognitiv Loyalty Support.

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Please note: All external Kognitiv Loyalty links and references are directed to US datacenter unless specifically noted.

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