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Segment Group

System LocationSegments / Groups

segment group is a collection of entities that are qualified into the collection based on predetermined rules.  There are various group pages within the Segments menu, and the name of the group page reveals the entities that it groups (Ex: interaction groups are for grouping interactions, etc). Kognitiv Loyalty offers the following group pages:

  • Promotional Member Groups
  • Campaign Member Groups
  • Export Member Groups
  • Member Ranking Sets
  • Reward Groups
  • Coupon Groups
  • Transaction Groups
  • Interaction Groups
  • Case Groups
  • Product Item Groups
  • Location Groups

Only member groups have more than one group type, as their usages vary, which is also represented in the page name (Ex: Campaign Member groups are used in campaigns).  While promotional member groups are used for targeting members in promotions, and campaign member groups are used for targeting members in campaigns, the main purpose for the export group type is for data exporting.

Non-dynamic segment groups can be assembled in a multi-tier parent-child hierarchy, in which the child can only derive (at maximum) the entities that are within its parent group at the time of its last rebuild.  A segment group's collection is only as recent as it's last built timestamp, which is represented in the details module in the upper-left of the group page when the group is selected.

Managing a Group

A group is first created by navigating to the appropriate group page, then clicking the "Add Group" link at the top of the page after its parent group has been selected.  If this is not intended to be a child group, then the very first "All" node in the tree should be selected before clicking the link.

Alternately, an existing group can be managed by clicking the "Edit Group" link in the upper-right area of the page after selecting it within the tree.  Whenever an existing group with group rules is saved on the "Edit" page, a rebuild will automatically be queued by the server.  If no changes are made within the "Edit" page, please use the Discard button to exit.

Logical Rule Setting

A group can qualify its collection based on the entities matching all of the grouping rules, or any one of the grouping rules.  If a group will only contain one rule, this logic setting is irrelevant.  However, this is an important selection that should be chosen carefully.

Furthermore, careful planning of parent and child groups can allow for combinations of conditional statements such as "must match rule 1 AND 2 (parent), but can match rule 3 OR 4 (child)".

Rebuilding a Group

A non-real time group can be rebuilt manually at any time by clicking the "Rebuild Group" link once the group has been selected.  However, some of the group types allow for automatic rebuilds at varying frequencies. When rebuilding a parent group, all child groups are automatically rebuilt.

Real-Time Grouping

"Real-Time" groups will automatically rebuild during live operations when triggered by certain processes.  For example, real-time product item groups will only be rebuilt if an associated product update has taken place.  Selecting "real-time" though, will limit the grouping rules that can be selected.  In some instances, a group will require the related queue schedule job to run as grouped entities without recent triggers will need to be removed. Furthermore, it is not recommended to set child groups to rebuild real-time due to decreased performance.  A real-time group cannot be changed to a non real-time group and vice-versa.  As of the 2020.3 release, clients are limited to a maximum of 20 real-time groups.

Note: The "Current week" rule starts on Sunday and ends on Saturday.

Managing Group Rules

After a group is created, group rules must be created in order to qualify the collection.  A group can consist of a single rule, or multiple rules, and these rules can be altered or removed at any point.

Group rules are managed in the bottom grid within the group pages.  To add a rule, click the "Add Group Rule" link to begin creation.  To manage an existing rule, click "Edit" within the grid for the associated rule.

After a rule is created, modified, or removed, a group rebuild will be automatically queued.  The current status of the group can be viewed in the upper-left area of the page.

Exporting Group Info

If a group reads a group status of "Valid", it is not currently being rebuilt, and can be exported.  Depending on the type of group, there may be multiple export types available in the left (member groups) or right area of the page.  

In most cases, a group with different export types has various exports in order to split the data up by relevance.

Also, keep in mind that the group is only as recent as it's last built timestamp.  If you need to rebuild the group, click the "Rebuild Group" link.

Viewing a Single Member's Group Assignments

    Main Article: Clienteling Services

When working with member groups, if you desire to view a single member's group assignments, you can do so from the aforementioned page, by using the "Segmentation & Ranking" subpage, located within the "Player Tracking" submenu.

See Also

How To - Build a Member Segment Group With an External List

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