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Point Expiration

System LocationTools / Point Expiration

Point expiration is a process that renders unused earned, non-deducted points ineligible based on their age, negating from the available points balance (Qualifying Points Earned - (Lifetime Points Deducted + Lifetime Points Expired + Lifetime Points Used)).  Points are expired on a First In, First Out (FIFO) process, expiring the older points on a member’s record, leaving the newer points. Upon being expired, a point expiration entry will be issued to the associated member(s). 

There are two types of point expiration available within the application; batch and automatic.  

  • Automatic point expiration, if enabled, will execute daily, the first day of the month, or first day of the year, or on a specific day each year as selected in the Point Expiration Batch creation and editing pages and may affect all members.
  • Batch point expiration can be manually executed, but it can be scheduled to run on a periodic basis and is targeted using a promotional member group.

Point expiration can be configured to expire based on the age of the transaction's transaction timestamp or activity timestamp.

Configuring Automatic Point Expiration

System Location: Tools / Point Expiration / Add Point Expiration Batch or Edit

By default, the automatic point expiration method is available, but is disabled.  Enabling the automatic expiration on the Point Expiration Batch creation and editing pages will instruct the application to execute point expiration as a part of the daily in-sync process.

Expire Points Older Than

The day amount entered here will be subtracted from midnight of the current date using the customer timezone, in determining which points to expire. Users can select whether to expire points based on transaction timestamp or activity timestamp. In order to change that setting, all automatic expiration batches must be disabled.

Example: The current date/time is February 3, 2011 1:51 pm (Eastern Time GMT -5).  Entering a value of 60, will expire all points with a transaction timestamp of or older than December 5, 2010 11:59:59 pm (Eastern Time GMT -5).

Execute Frequency

Options for point execution frequency are:
  • Daily
  • First Day of Month
  • First Day of Year
  • Yearly On. For example, setting Execute Frequency to March 1 will expire points earned in the previous calendar year on March 1.

Enable Member Calculated Next Point Expiration

In order to access the member point calculation expiration, you must contact Kognitiv Loyalty Support to enable the feature. Once enabled, Kognitiv Loyalty can calculate how many points will expire for each member for the next six automatic expiration cycles.

To configure Calculating Next Point Expiration, add or edit a point expiration batch.

  1. Select Automatically Expire Points
  2. Set the Expire Points Older Than days
  3. Configure Execute Frequency

    Note: Calculating Next Point Expiration will not be available with Daily Execution Frequency selected. When yearly expiration is selected, the system will only calculate the next two expiration cycles.
  4. Select Enable Member Calculated Next Point Expiration

The point calculation occurs once per day for all members within Point Expiration Batches that use the feature. That daily calculation is tied to the Batch Point Expiration process; users with appropriate permissions can configure when that process occurs by editing the Queue Schedule (System Location: System > Settings > Queue Schedule).

What does Calculating Next Point Expiration do? Consider a loyalty program configured to expire 365-day-old points on the first day of each month. A member who has been with the program for more than a year might have 15,000 points, and the user wants Kognitiv Loyalty to calculate and show that member how many of their points will expire on the first day of the next six months. Enabling Member Calculated Next Point Expiration offers that functionality. Once configured, the member's points may expire as follows:

Expiration Date 

Points Expiring 

July 1st 200 pts
August 1st 150 pts
September 1st 0 pts
October 1st 1,000 pts
November 1st 500 pts
December 1st 3,000 pts

Communicating with Members Prior to Automatic Point Expiration

Members can be communicated with prior to automatic point expiration by setting up a Promotional Member Group with the following settings: Rule Category=Point Total Rules, Rule=Program Points Expiring on Next Auto Expiration Date, and then customizing the Rule Operator and Program Points Expiring fields to your program preference.

Executing Batch Point Expiration Templates

System Location: Tools / Point Expiration / Add Point Expiration Batch

Creating a Promotional Member Segment

    Main Article: Segment Groups

The batch point expiration templates require creation of a promotional member segment in order to target only the members who will be affected by the point expiration.

Creating Batch Point Expiration Template

Clicking "Add Point Expiration Batch" will start the creation of a new batch point expiration template.  Specify the appropriate options and select the eligible promotional member segments, then save the batch.

Executing Batch Point Expiration Template

From the main page (System Location: Tools / Point Expiration), click the "Executions" link for the associated batch. On this page, you will encounter a grid with audit information for previous instances of this expiration batch.  

Next, click the "Execute Point Expiration Batch" above the grid and fill out the necessary information before clicking the "Save" button.  After saving, the process will be queued, and you will be returned to to the previous page.

Expire Points Older Than

The day amount entered here will be subtracted from midnight of the current date using the customer timezone, in determining which points to expire. In order to expire all points, enter 0. Users can select whether to expire points based on transaction timestamp or activity timestamp.

Example: The current date/time is February 3, 2011 1:51 pm (Eastern Time GMT -5).  Entering a value of 60, will expire all available points earned with a transaction timestamp of or older than December 5, 2010 11:59:59 pm (Eastern Time GMT -5).

Execute Frequency

Current options for point execution frequency are:
  • Daily
  • First Day of Month
  • First Day of Year

Viewing Completed Batch Point Expiration Info

System Location: Tools / Point Expiration / Expiration Batch

To view the results of previous executions (manual or automatic), click the "Executions" link for the associated template.  The automatic point expiration will display as the "Daily Auto Expiration Process".

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