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Choice Reward

System LocationOffers / Choice Rewards

A choice reward is a type of reward that has a point value and upon issuing, debits available points from the receiving member's account.  Choice rewards can be issued via the application, customer web portalpoint-of-sale portalweb services, and the Kognitiv Loyalty kiosk.

Creating a Choice Reward

At the top of the aforementioned page, click the "Add Choice Reward" link to start the reward creation process.

Note: This is not a comprehensive list of all parameters on the reward management page.  Some parameters are explained in detail within the page itself.  If you have further questions, please contact Kognitiv Loyalty Support.

Reward Category

Categories are used to group "like" objects, mainly for organizational purposes.  Although not required, it is considered a good practice to create logical, yet not overly specific categories early in the program. 

External Reference

The external reference acts as an identifier for the particular item when being exported or referred to by an external source.

Issue Manually via Application Only

The primary usage for this option is to prevent the reward from displaying on the customer web portal and Kognitiv Loyalty kiosk application.

Barcode Settings

Every reward that is issued from the system has a barcode.  The "Unique Reward Id" option is the default and is based on the incremental reward Id number used by the database.  The "standard fixed barcode" option allows for the same barcode to be printed on every reward of this type, while the "one time code" takes the next identifier available from the database.

Message Settings

  • Send Certificate Message If Not Delivered at the End of the Day - If enabled, an undelivered reward will trigger a send of the appropriate certificate message (configured below) at the time configured in the Queue Schedule page.  This process will add a delivery record if the barcode is present in the message or attachment.  This process will not take place for members with no contact information for the appropriate method.
  • Send Notification Message If Not Delivered in Pseudo Real-Time - If enabled, an undelivered reward will trigger a near real-time send of the appropriate notification message (configured below). A delivery record will be added if the barcode is present in the message.

Print Templates

The print template governs the appearance of the physical printout of the reward.

Email & Text Templates

The messaging templates govern the type of template that is used when the coupon is distributed externally.

Allow Reprint of Active Reward

If enabled, in the event that a member has an unredeemed reward, they can reprint the reward.

Create HTML Placeholders

If checked, placeholders specific to this reward type will be valid in message-related promotions and messaging templates that support HTML.

Featured Reward on Portal

If enabled, this reward will be considered the "featured" reward on the customer web portal and displayed via the featured reward portal module type.  Only one choice reward at a time can occupy this module at a time, so if multiple rewards have this selected, one will be displayed at random.

Portal Reward Images

If a reward store is being used on the customer web portal, images are required for proper display of the choice reward.

Reward Custom Fields & Descriptors

Custom fields and descriptors capture additional information about the item.  These items are optional, unless required by your business.

Eligible Members

The eligible member tree allows targeting of only members in particular clubs and/or ranking sets and/or segments.


Managing a Choice Reward

To begin making changes to an existing reward, click the "Edit" link within the main grid for the applicable reward.  If there is only a "View" link, the user does not have appropriate access to make changes.

Archiving a Choice Reward

Enabling the "Check to Archive" checkbox will prevent the reward from being issued.  Furthermore, rewards with a fixed expiration date will automatically archive once that date has passed and the batch reward expiration process has run.


Viewing Choice Reward Statistics

Basic statistics can be accessed via the "Stats" link within the main grid for the applicable reward.  See Offer Status for details on terminology.

Choice Reward Snapshot

System Location: Analytics / Snapshots / Choice Rewards

This snapshot provides a quick-view for all choice rewards within the system.

System-Wide Reward Statistics

System Location: Analytics / System-Wide Statistics / Reward Statistics

System-Wide statistics provide the ability to view summary statistics that can be filtered by various options, including active/archive status and by date range.

Reward Group

    Main Article: Segments

Individual instances of rewards that have been issued can be grouped for detailed exporting by using the reward group functionality.


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Please note: All external Kognitiv Loyalty links and references are directed to US datacenter unless specifically noted.

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