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Location Sync

The Location Sync is used to export basic location information for all locations in the database. This is a cumulative file, not an incremental file. Extra location and custom field data can be included or omitted, as this is a configurable option.

Upon each execution, all current location information is extracted, and the completed file is then FTP’d to the predetermined location. 

Column order of custom fields is fixed, but defined by the sync process.  Custom fields added later are not necessarily appended to the end of the custom field column order.  New custom fields may appear at the beginning, between previously existing, or at the end of the custom fields.  Any system-level custom field changes necessitates re-verification of sync data by data consumers if column order is a dependency.

Note: This information is available as a PDF for portability. LocationSync.pdf

Table of Contents
  1. Location Sync
    1. Example Data

Location Sync

Name LocationSyncMMDDYYYYHHMMSS.txt 
Format Pipe delimited
Frequency  Daily
Source Kognitiv Loyalty
Contents All locations ins the database 


Field Name  Type  Notes 
LocationId Integer Internal Kognitiv Loyalty Location Id
LocationName  String(120)   
LocationExternalReference  String(20)  
Inactive Boolean True, False - Optional field, configured in Sync Settings with "Sync Location Details"
LocationIsValidForFeedback Boolean True, False - Optional field, configured in Sync Settings with "Sync Location Details"
BusinessUnitExternalReference  String(20)  
POSCategoryExternalReference String(20) Optional field, configured in Sync Settings with "Sync Location Details"
CountryName String(120)  Optional field, configured in Sync Settings with "Sync Location Details"
CountryAbbreviation String(2)  Optional field, configured in Sync Settings with "Sync Location Details"
Address1 String(120) Optional field, configured in Sync Settings with "Sync Location Details"
Address2 String(120) Optional field, configured in Sync Settings with "Sync Location Details"
Address3 String(120) Optional field, configured in Sync Settings with "Sync Location Details"
City String(120) Optional field, configured in Sync Settings with "Sync Location Details"
RegionName String(120) Optional field, configured in Sync Settings with "Sync Location Details"
RegionAbbreviation String(2) Optional field, configured in Sync Settings with "Sync Location Details"
PostalCode String(14) Optional field, configured in Sync Settings with "Sync Location Details"
LocationMainPhoneNumber String(30) Optional field, configured in Sync Settings with "Sync Location Details"
LocationPrimaryEmailAddress String(120)  Optional field, configured in Sync Settings with "Sync Location Details"
LocationSecondaryEmailAddress String(120) Optional field, configured in Sync Settings with "Sync Location Details"
LocationLatitude Float Optional field, configured in Sync Settings with "Sync Location Details"
LocationLongitude Float Optional field, configured in Sync Settings with "Sync Location Details"
CustomFields Variable If enabled, all custom fields will be listed in file as separate fields. See top-level notes for details on ordering.

Example Data

In the example below, “SquareFootage” and “StoreCode” are location custom fields.

1|Mall A|1001|4500|PHYS
2|Mall B|1002|5400|PHYS

The following headers are included when “Sync Location Details” and "Sync Custom Fields" are enabled in the Sync Settings page for the Location Sync.


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